Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flu incidents

Since people are getting more nervous on the flu incidents, I liked to share the following stories which might help on relieving a bit:

- Many of relatives got the flu and all of them are fine
- My cousin took her two Childs a week ago to examine them, when the nurse came to her she said that the test results were "Positive", my cousin jumped of joy and thanked Allah, the nurse was astonished and told her that she had a very strong faith:"This is the first time I see a mother that has a strong faith, good for you", "Strong faith?" my cousin wondered, ooops, her children got swine flu but 7amdo lillah they are fine now
- A relative of mine who already have asthma (ربو) and he also survived

Anyway, we are going to die sooner or later, so just take care of your personal hygiene and leave the worrying part behind.

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